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Where consulting salaries are going

Overall, consulting salaries remained steady for 2022, that’s reassuring considering the pandemic and market uncertainty.  

Before delving into the numbers, let's go over a few general trends.

The entry-level salary could be very different from firm to firm, and together with that, there could be consistent differences also on the performance bonuses’ side.  Also,  remember that recent graduates will not be able to negotiate the salary as an experienced professional would do. 

In some cases, both base salary and performance bonus are relatively high compared to other firms (i.e. McKinsey), but in other companies, Deloitte for example, the average entry salary is slightly below the MBB average, but the performance bonus is higher than average. 

The above also holds if you’re from an MBA or if you own a PhD. While you’d probably have some more room for negotiation and a higher base salary, the variation among firms is similar. Top MBB firms perform well both on-base salary and performance bonus, while there could be a higher deviation for other firms. 

Without further ado, let's dive into the data. We packaged it in a nice infographic for you!

Please keep in mind that data is gathered from our customers’ experiences and vary on location and different background paths, so the figures shown are averages.